Seminar Sociology of markets
Max Planck Institut für Gesellschaftsforschung/Sciences Po
(avec Jens Beckert)
Ce séminaire s'adresse en priorité aux étudiants du Max Planck Institut für Gesellschaftsforschung et de l'Université de Cologne, d'une part, de Sciences Po, de l'autre. Il est animé par Jens Beckert et moi-même. Il s'est tenu pour la première fois en Janvier 2010 à Cologne. Sa prochaine édition aura lieu en Juin 2011 à Paris.
- Syllabus du séminaire ;
- Programme du séminaire, 11-15 janvier 2010 ;
Le séminaire s'appuie sur la lecture des textes suivants :
Introduction (Required readings)
- Beckert, J., 2009, "The social order of markets", Theory and society, 38 (3), p. 245-269.
- Fligstein, N., 1996, "Markets as politics : a political-cultural approach to market institutions", American sociological review, 61 (4), p. 656-673.
- Braudel, F., 1977, Afterthoughts on material civilization and capitalism, Baltimore, John Hopkins University Press, 120 p. - Chapter 1 & 2.
- Polanyi, K., 2001, The great transformation, Boston, Beacon Press, 317 p. - Chapter 4 to 6.
The problem of competition
Required readings
- Weber, M., 1978, Economy and society. An outline of interpretive sociology, Berkeley, University of California press, 1469 p. - Chapter 1, section 8, p. 38-40.
- Simmel, G., 2008, "Sociology of competition", Canadian journal of sociology, 33 (4), p. 957-978.
- Bourdieu, P., 2005, "Principles of an economic anthropology", in Smelser, N. J. et Swedberg, R. (dir.), Handbook of economic sociology, Second edition, Princeton/New York, Princeton university press/Russell Sage foundation, p. 75-90.
- Leifer, E. M. et White, H. C., 1987, "A structural approach to market", in Schwartz, M. et Mizruchi, N. (dir.), Intercoroporate relations : the structural analysis of business, New York, Academic press, p. 85-107.
- Podolny, J. M., 1993, "A status-based model of market competition", American journal of sociology, 98 (4), p. 829-872.
Case studies
- Bourdieu, P., 2005, The social structures of the economy, Cambridge, Polity press, 260 p. - Chapter 1 "Dispositions of the agents and the structure of field of reproduction", p. 19-89.
- Baker, W. E., 1984, "The social structure of a national securities market", American journal of sociology, 89 (4), p. 775-811.
- Benjamin, B. A. et Podolny, J. M., 1999, "Status, quality, and social order in the California Wine industry, 1981-1991", Administrative science quarterly, 44 (3), p. 563-589.
The problem of valuation
Required readings
- Karpik, L.. forthcoming, The economics of singularities, Princeton, Princeton university press - Abstracts.
- Callon, M., 1998, "Introduction : the embeddedness of economic markets in economics", in Callon, M. (dir.), The laws of the markets, Oxford, Blackwell, p. 1-57.
- Jagd, S., 2007, "Economics of convention and new economic sociology. Mutual inspiration and dialogue", Current sociology, 55, p. 76-91.
- Stark, D., 2009, The sense of dissonance. Accounts of worth in economic life, Princeton, Princeton university press, 250 p. - Chapter 1 "Heterarchy: the organization of dissonance", p. 1-34.
Case studies
- McKenzie, D. et Millo, Y., 2003, "Constructing a market: the historical sociology of a financial derivatives exchange", American journal of sociology, 109 (1), p. 107-145.
- Trompette, P., 2007, "Customer chanelling arrangements in market organization: competition dynamics in the funeral business in France", Revue française de sociologie, English issue.
- Zelizer, V., 1978, "Human values and the market : the case of life insurance and death in 19th century America", American journal of sociology, 84 (3), p. 591-610.
The problem of cooperation
Required readings
- Giddens, A., 1992, Consequences of modernity, Cambridge, Polity press - Chapter 3, p. 79-111.
- Möllering, G., 2006, "trust, institutions, agency: towards a neoinstitutional theory of trust", in Bachman, R. et Zaheer, A. (dir.), Handbook of trust research, Cheltenham, Northampton, Edward Elgar, p. 355-377.
- Williamson, O. E., 1993, "Calculativeness, trust and economic organization", Journal of law and economics, 36 (1), p. 453-486.
Case studies
- Zucker, L. G., 1986, "Production of trust: institutional sources of economic structures, 1840-1920", in Barry, M. S. et Cummings, L. L. (dir.), Research in organizational behavior, vol. 8, Greenwich, JAI Press, p. 53-111.
- Gambetta, D., 1988, "Mafia: The price of distrust", in Gambetta, D. (dir.), Trust: making and breaking cooperative relations, New York, Basil Blackwell, p. 158-175.
- Portes, A. et Sensenbrenner, J., 1993, "Embeddedness and immigration: notes on the determinants of economic action", American journal of sociology, 98, p. 1320-1350.
Conclusion: sociology of markets and social theory
- Deutschmann, C., 2009, "The entrepreneur in economic sociology", Paper presented for Sase annual conference, Paris, 15th-19th July 2009.
- Dequech, D., 2003, "Uncertainty and economic sociology. A preliminary discussion", American journal of economics and sociology, 62, p. 509-532.